电影《中国惊奇先生》改编自权迎升创作的同名青年漫画,讲述道法传人王小二、警花、老警察组成的 “驱魔铁三角”组合,侦破各种灵异系列案件的故事。北京某胡同内,常发生下班女子惨遭色狼强暴、碎尸案件。警察牛叔多次调查后断定,此系列案件非人类所为。阴差阳错之下王小二结识了女警花李雪,屌丝道士王小二为追求警花,开始帮助警方侦破各种灵异案件,由此展开了一系列不可思议的事件。
- 9.0 猪猪侠大电影·星际行动
2023 动画简介:Aline Ruby, an obstinate private detective, and Carlos Rivera, an android replica of his deceased partner, throw themselves in a race against the clock across Mars. They must find Jon Chow, a simple cybernetics student who’s on the runs, before the hitmen who are following him closely kill him.
- 5.0 间谍过家家代号:白
- 5.0 鬼太郎诞生咯咯咯之谜
- 7.0 大室家亲爱的姐妹们
- 6.0 定格恶魔